Today Is a Baptism Day

Written by Cathy Applewhite

March 2, 2020

Today Is a Baptism Day from Church Publishing Inc. is a perfect gift for families preparing for the day of baptism. The illustrations immediately drew me into the text with large, artistic, colorful pictures depicting a diverse community of faith. The author, Anna V. Ostenso Moore, introduces the meaning of baptism in a vocabulary that is clear and easy to understand. The words are paired with pictures of families in action! The illustrator, Peter Krueger, portrays people gathering at the baptismal font, sharing, singing, reading, praying, helping, and laughing. I can sense the joy and wonder as they participate in God’s call to receive the gift of baptism.

The sacrament of baptism unfolds as a liturgical tradition, grounded in theology and worship. The author is theologically trained in the Episcopal tradition; however, the content is geared toward all Christian traditions. By definition “baptism is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.” What exactly does that mean? Here are the main points.

Baptism is a day of:

  1. Hope, Unity, Love and Community – One God, one faith, one baptism
  2. Sacred Stories – Connects us to the people in the Bible
  3. Water – Washes over you and sustains life
  4. Oil and Light – Binds you to the Holy Spirit                     

Baptism is a day that parents say “yes” to God and make a promise to raise the child within a church and teach what it means to follow Jesus. The response in the worship setting will be “I will, with God’s help.” The agreement to say “yes” is just the beginning of nurturing the child in the church. Faith formation is really at the heart of this book as it is meant as a guide, a starting point. The adults allow the child to grow and form their own concept of God. By providing an environment to learn and question their faith, the child can deepen their spiritual life and choose to be a part of the Body of Christ. I recommend this book to families who practice faith at home and wish to engage in the spiritual practice of sharing their faith experiences. Families are invited to personalize their own baptism day by writing a story, adding a photo, or drawing a picture.

I especially liked the author’s final section that provides families practical suggestions to share stories of baptism. This section is an added bonus for those that enjoy studying further the ritual of baptism. Together members of the family can ask questions about the day, reflect on the meaning of baptism in their life, keep a memory book and participate in a Bible study. How would you celebrate your Baptismal Anniversary? The book Today Is a Baptism Day educates us on this special day of celebration now and forever after.

A review copy of this book was provided by the publisher.

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