Sir Drake The Brave: A Book Review

Sir Drake The Brave is a new children’s book from Moorehouse Publishing. We were provided with an advanced reader copy and it has spurred lots of ideas for use in children’s and family ministries!

The story revolves around a young child named Drake, who is wrestling with the treatment of bullies and bedtime fears. He and his mother discuss many different scenarios of how to handle them, and continue to come back to only allowing people who can be gentle, honest, and kind into their lives. The rhythm of the refrain and the constant reassurance of safety, coupled with the affirmation of the boy’s own qualities of kindness and bravery earn this book a spot in a collection.

Are you looking to add books to your collection that feature more diversity? Be sure to add this to your list. The family is multi racial and Drake uses a prosthetic leg. The more titles in a collection that allow children to see themselves, the better! Are you looking to add books that will introduce new ways of creating art? This illustrator uses clay to create the pictures. Imagine tying this into God being the potter and we being the clay! Are you looking for stories that allow children to examine repetition in storytelling? The author uses this technique to deliver the story. Ask your favorite children’s librarian for a few other titles that use repetition, read them over the course of several weeks, and start a project of telling the stories of Jesus, the prophets, the women in the New Testament, etc. using repetition, allowing the children to dive more deeply into the stories of their faith. You can use this for a bedtime story ministry, in a faith formation session as a springboard for discussion on how we are called to treat others (this book even provides discussion on repentance and redemption in child-friendly terms), or during a midweek enrichment ministry that is focused on art, storytelling, or drama. So many possibilities from just one book!

A review copy of this book was provided by the publisher.

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