Lent In Plain Sight; A Devotion Through Ten Objects by Jill J. Duffield

Written by Elizabeth Christie

January 14, 2023

Jill J. Duffield

When I begin working on a new concept with a class of learners, I like to spend time connecting what they already know about to what we are about to learn. Basically, using what one already knows and understands bolsters a person’s comprehension of a new topic. When Lent In Plain Sight; A Devotion Through Ten Objects by Jill Duffield arrived on my doorstep from the publisher, I eagerly dived in to see what goodies were in store. Lent is a season that often confuses many adults, so connecting a combination of everyday objects to Scripture, devotions, and prayers in order to help them dive more deeply into the events of Jesus’ ministry certainly speaks to me. 

This devotional is organized by ten everyday objects; dust, bread, a cross, coins, shoes, oil, coats, towels, thorns, and stones. The readings begin on Ash Wednesday, continue throughout the season of Lent, and conclude on Easter Sunday. Each day features Scripture, a page and a half devotion, wrapped up with reflection questions and a prayer. From Ash Wednesday through the day before Palm Sunday, each week focuses on one everyday object, how it is referenced through Scripture, and different ways of considering its significance to our spiritual development. Holy Week brings a quicker succession of objects, but the reading pattern remains the same. This is laid out accessibly in an easy-to-hold book (an e-book option is also available) and utilizes a time frame that is comfortable for most adult’s attention spans. 

This resource has much potential for use in adult faith formation. The price is not prohibitive, so using it as the spine for an adult Lenten care package would be lovely. Include the book, a handheld frame from a photo booth, and a small blank notebook, along with a sticky note that has a congregation-wide hashtag (e.g. #lentinplainsight). Have everyone read along daily, snapping photos on their phones that feature that week’s everyday object and uploading it to your church’s Instagram page with the hashtag. It gives everyone something to do individually and corporately. This is laid out simply enough for a young parents small group to use together. Busy parents of young children can still make time for these readings, especially if you opt for the ebook option. You could also use this as the focus of an adult faith formation class for Lent. Create a group mural of photos of the objects as you meet each week and discuss a few of the questions included that week. Mature youth could also benefit from this devotional, and I would then use it as a powerful springboard to a Lenten mission project. You could collect some of the everyday items (e.g. towels, coats, and shoes) for donation to local organizations that connect people with items they need. You could have a loose change offering during each session (connecting with the coins) that would benefit an organization or mission of your choosing. If you’re ready for a fresh way to approach this season and make connections with what people already know so they can grow deeper roots in their faith, give this resource a gander. It may be just what you are looking for.

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