Wherever You Are

Written by Elizabeth Christie

March 13, 2023

I spend a LOT of time with children; reading with them, tying shoes, hiking, cleaning up with them, and answering their questions. I work really hard at being present to answer their questions and talk about what matters to them, but there are times where I’m distracted. I can count on kids to bring me back to what matters with their questions. Why does that frog sound like an alien? Where is it hiding? Can you use a toilet plunger on a sink? If I speak in English into the dryer vent, will it come out in Spanish inside the house? (In case you were wondering the answers to the questions I got on that particular Saturday; that bullfrog has a special way of rubbing its vocal cords together so as to attract a mate, it was hiding under the rock wall at our neighbor’s house, you can use a toilet plunger on a sink, and no, the dryer vent does not act like Google translate and your words remain in the same language you spoke them in.) Sometimes the children ask questions because they want to know the answers, sometimes they want to engage in conversation, and sometimes they want reassurance. You don’t often come across a resource that answers the question, “Where’s God?” in a way that gives the answer, allows for conversation, and provides reassurance, but Glenys Nellist has done that in her newest book, Wherever You Are

Wherever You Are is a beautiful book that combines simple, engaging text with soft illustrations that allow children to see themselves included in God’s family. A simple rhyme pattern, paired with a gentle cadence allows the story to read like a song. Children (and adults) will memorize the text quickly, providing them with easy responses to the ‘where is God?’ wonderings that pass through a human’s cognizance as they travel through the events of daily life. The text pairs beautifully with the illustrations, and allows readers to settle in for a cozy read. This book has become a favorite addition to my younger set of children’s bedtime routine, and my toddler has already claimed it as his own. (I had to ply him with a slice of cheese in order to wrestle the book out of his hands so I could write the review. He snagged it as soon as it arrived from the publisher, insisting that it was his as soon as he saw it. Love at first sight.)

I’m a person that likes to have tools that perform multiple functions. This book does just that! It’s a great go-to gift for a toddler or elementary aged child. It would be a very meaningful gift for a new baby or a child that has been baptized/dedicated. It definitely belongs in your children’s and family library for borrowing, on the shelf to be read during a Bedtime Stories and Prayers ministry, in a prayground, and in a pew basket. It also belongs in your youth library and adult library. Why? Because sometimes we need to get down to basics and remind ourselves God is wherever you are. Pair this with a study on growing deeper roots in your faith and examine ways that we know that God is with us and what Scripture tells us about this. Everyone can use a booster shot of this type of reassurance. I would also keep a copy around for one of those Sunday mornings where your children’s moment is just not measuring up to what you want it to be and you need to quickly shift gears. This book will enchant everyone and provide lots for all ages to think about. Do you need a copy? Yes, but I would start looking at getting multiples. It’s that good.

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