The Peace Table

Written by Elizabeth Christie

April 15, 2023

I’ve been working in children’s and family ministries for over two decades and have been parenting for an almost equal number of years. So many children’s Bibles have come across my desk in those years, and sadly, very few are worth using. The Peace Table, from Shine Publishing, is one of those rare books that took my breath away in the best way possible. I haven’t been able to step away from it for even a day since it arrived from the publisher.

This children’s Bible shares so many of the foundational stories of our faith, told in ways that are accessible to all developmental levels. The authors write these stories so the reader can find different ways to connect to the behaviors and feelings of the people that are featured. The introduction lays it out, and encourages the readers to connect to the stories, wonder, ask questions (especially the challenging ones), to listen, and to pray. This Bible seeks to help people to understand behaviors and find common ground around the table; the Peace Table. The diverse illustrations are lush and inviting, showing the readers that they, too, are part of God’s story and family. Just about every person will see someone similar in appearance to them here. The writing is beautiful; never talking down to children and finding ways in simple, accessible structures to draw people into a deeper understanding. The Peace Table also includes some of the best maps I’ve seen for children and families, useful timelines, prayer prompts, and more simple ways for children and families to connect with God’s Word. 

There are so many ways to use The Peace Table. This is now my go-to gift for new babies and baptisms, will be in each classroom and family library in congregations with which I serve, and multiple copies will be headed to my home because my kids have fallen head over heels for it, too. This Bible makes it easy for children’s ministers to create short term studies for their children and families, as the stories are well organized and the included resources (maps, timelines, prayer ideas) are incredibly useful. I would bring this Bible into a parenting class. It would allow parents/caregivers to experience these foundational stories together and discern ways that would be best for their family to help create a rhythm of family Scripture reading and study. I would also love to see this as a resource for early elementary aged children and their parents/caregivers in a ‘getting to know your faith’ short term class. Have people read the story together, break into small groups to wonder and pray (prompts are provided at the end of the stories), and end in a whole group prayer and blessing. I will be using this as part of a Bedtime Stories and Prayers ministry. The flexibility of this resource, coupled with the inclusivity and accessibility make The Peace Table a volume I will reach for daily with my own family and almost as frequently in my work in children’s and family ministries. 

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