Pray The Day

Written by Elizabeth Christie

April 16, 2023

Perhaps you, too, have your cell phone in use more than you would like? Perhaps you, too, continue to work on finding ways to leave it behind, only to find that you need to keep it close because you know one of your children or your aging parents will be calling and need you? Perhaps you, too, want to consecrate this small ubiquitous device for holy purposes, not just for scrolling through social media? Enter Pray The Day, Rev. Jo Owens’ newest ministry through Vibrant Church Communications. Ever since a preview copy of this wonderful resource landed in my Google Drive, it has been in constant use and a giant help in dedicating my cell phone and daily rhythms to holier uses.

Pray The Day is a modern application of the ancient practice of praying the hours. This digital pack is broken into three files; digital images (that you make your phone’s wallpaper and/or lockscreen), printables of the digital images (in various formats, including a booklet), and a guide to the resource. The images have simple, yet meaty prompts, to help people mark the rhythm of the day through focused prayer (rising, beginning the day, lunchtime, mid-afternoon break, late afternoon, and bedtime). One can choose to use these on their smartphone (I have mine saved as a separate album in my photos app, coupled with gentle birdsound alarms) or have them printed out for quick reference. Prayers are coupled with spiritual practices, Scripture readings, and examen-type questions. They fit easily into the breakneck speed that my life runs and have greatly helped me reclaim my cell phone for purposes that are edifying, rather than distracting.

Do you have teens and young adults in your life? This resource fits. Do you have middle aged and older adults in your lives? Again, this resource fits. Do you have people looking for ways to augment a prayer practice? This resource is for them. Are you looking for a resource to help your congregation’s young parents small group? They’ll love this. (So will their kids. My younger crew loves responding to my birdsong alarms and taking a moment to pray with me.) Do you have couples looking for a way to pray together and reconnect during the day? This will help facilitate that. Is your budget limited? This is incredibly cost effective and powerful. It’s rare to find such a well-written and effective resource for just about every age. I highly recommend this!

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