Changing the World: Confirmation for the Missional Church: A Handbook for Parents and Mentors

Written by Elizabeth Christie

August 10, 2023

For over two decades, I have had the honor of partnering with congregations across the country and in many denominations, helping them discern what they are called to be doing in ministry with youth. The conversation about confirmation always features strongly. There are many different models- two years, one year, six weeks, mentor-led, leader-led, pastor-led, in person, retreat optional, retreat not optional, multiple retreats, etc. While there are many variations, there are a few topics that always remain the same, one of which is how do we make confirmation meaningful and not a graduation? We all know the sad joke about a congregation that had a chimney filled with squirrels and no one was able to get rid of them until the pastor confirmed them. That’s not what we want. That’s not what we’re called to do. But somehow, in the midst of best intentions, traditions, cultural changes, and family dynamics, this happens. How do we turn this tide? Making sure that this rite is meaningful. One of the best resources I have ever seen for this came across my desk this week. It’s the newest addition by Mark Hinds to the Changing The World: Confirmation for the Missional Church confirmation resource, A Handbook for Parents and Mentors.

Why would youth, who have already been baptized into God’s family, need to be confirmed? This handbook dives right into it with parents and mentors. Not only does Hinds explain why confirmation matters to the adults that are the driving forces behind the youth attending confirmation classes, but gives excellent steps on how to ensure confirmation is different. Hint: it hinges on membership confirmation and missional confirmation. I have seen this in action in a super small number of congregations and, my lands, is it powerful. Hinds makes the case for these practices, shows the adults how to make this happen, and encourages them in creating these realities through excellent learning activities. This does not need to be the rare unicorn of confirmation practices; this resource will equip you to go forth and create these in your own congregations. You can use this resource as a visioning process for your confirmation ministry. You could use it as an offering during your faith formation time. You could sit down yourself and read this, chew on its message, return to it several times, and be encouraged to gather your group of people to help vision what your confirmation ministry should look like. Sometimes we practitioners need good reads to encourage, excite, and sustain us. This resource provides such. It is being released as a companion to Changing The World: Confirmation for the Missional Church, but you can also just purchase the Handbook. Consider this your gentle nudge to work your budget to include the purchase of both. 

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