A Path Through Pain: How Faith Deepens and Joy Grows Through What You Would Never Choose

Written by Elizabeth Christie

October 13, 2023

We all know the pithy saying from Benjamin Franklin about what is certain in life; death and taxes. I would add that pain is something else that is common to the human condition. There are varying sources, degrees, and manifestations of pain, but it comes to us all. Most of us would like to avoid pain, and when it does come, we seek paths to navigate us through it as quickly as possible. Ed and Lisa Young have authored a book dedicated to such; A Path Through Pain.

A Path Through Pain details the pain and aftermath of the death of the authors’ daughter. Ed and Lisa Young discuss how they found ways to cope, what brought them comfort, and what lessons they learned as they lived through the time after their daughter’s death. They also give us glimpses into what life was like with their beloved daughter, as well as what her struggles were like for them. Chapters are devoted to topics like what to do when crisis comes, is God good, and unchecked baggage. Personal anecdotes are interspersed throughout, and each chapter concludes with a Take a Step section, giving the reader ideas about how to process and move forward through their own pain.

This book is a provocative read. It helped me wrestle with concepts, think more deeply about the lives of those around me, and what a loving response toward someone in pain is. This is a book that would be good for your resource shelf. This is a book that would be an interesting book club selection for adults. There is much to be gained when a community discusses the origin of pain, personal responses to pain, and personal responses to those in pain. When church communities commit to understanding pain, how people respond to pain, and how people effectively care for those in pain, the greater community can only benefit. This book can provide you with the springboard for these types of conversations.

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