Glory, Too

Written by Elizabeth Christie

March 4, 2025

I love engaging in activities that make me do everyday tasks differently. Brush my teeth with my non-dominant hand, go a different way home from work, read a book aloud to people- all of these cause me to think differently and pick up on new things. It helps me make connections, understand people better, and learn new ways of doing things. Imagine my glee when I opened up Glory, Too by Nikki Grimes and found a book full of poetry, based on familiar Scripture, causing me to encounter these sacred words in new ways.

Glory, Too is a book of poems, inspired by Scripture, and organized by season. Grimes expertly teases apart phrases, inviting us to wonder about the familiar words of the Old and New Testaments in our search for deeper meaning. Gentle images are painted, drawing our attention in new ways to the lessons we have read and heard throughout our spiritual lives. Each poem gives a title and Scripture reference for framework, but leaves the connections and deeper understanding to be parsed out by the reader. One cannot help but re-read the poems, catching new little jewels to think about each time. This is a collection that I would be happy to read through in one sitting, but like a chocolate layer cake, I know that taking my time to savor each poem, referring to the Scripture references, and reflecting is even better.

This little book has several different uses in your ministry. It is a wonderful volume to keep on your adult lending library shelves. It would be a good selection for an adult book club. I would love to use selections in a high school youth class or even in confirmation. Imagine the power of a confirmand and mentor reading selections and reflecting together. I am eager to take relevant poems that correspond with the day’s Scripture lesson, print table tents with them, put them on tables for fellowship time, and have people reflect and respond with crayons on the paper tablecloths. Glory, Too is a resource that you’ll turn to over and over, inviting your people to interact with God’s beautiful Word in new ways.

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