Caring Ministries

The Gospel "Good News" of Loneliness

Loneliness loves company! If you or someone you know is lonely, consider this: Was it out of loneliness that God created humankind in God’s own image? Were Adam and Eve lonely for Eden after their abrupt eviction? Surely, they were lonely for their child, Abel. Is there a lonelier image than Jesus on the cross saying, “Why have you forsaken me?

About the Webinar

Loneliness has been declared an epidemic in America, so we are the company of millions! And yet… loneliness is still stigmatized and seldom mentioned in the pulpit and the pew. Many people suffer needlessly and alone.

This webinar offers ways to explore loneliness as a portal to transformation. We will, of course, explore loneliness within ourselves and our congregations; but we will also explore taking “Loneliness Field Trips” to museums, theatres, and restaurants. We will contemplate “The Loneliest Songs in the World” together and discuss their authors and the beauty of their creation. Though often a serious matter, exploring loneliness can also be creative and a lot of fun. This webinar will enable you to address a vital and relevant need in your own life and congregation as we engage with kindred spirits. It offers specific ways of embracing loneliness as a path to self-actualization, social outreach, and community-creating. And that is good news!

About the Presenter

Dwight Lee Wolter is the author of the newly released, “The Gospel of Loneliness” (The Pilgrim Press). He is also pastor of the Congregational Church of Patchogue on Long Island, New York; and author of several other books.

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109 Udall Road, West Islip, NY 11795

(613) 486-4350

M-Th, 9am to 4pm

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233 N. County Rd., Mt. Sinai, NY 11766

(631) 821-2255

W-Th, 10am to 3pm
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