Nov 2, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Sarah Cowan Johnson I will own the fact that I find human development and pedagogy fascinating. They are not your everyday interests, but I can find people that share them and have conversations about what we’ve noticed, what we’ve read, and what we’ve done in...
Oct 27, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Susan Eaddy My family has an affinity for the story of Jesus’s birth. My husband and I met while he was performing as one of the Three Kings in Gian Carlo Menotti’s Amahl and The Night Visitors. (Side note: fabulous operetta; great for families of all ages; if you...
Oct 19, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Krin Van Tatenhove and Rob Mueller As we all process the lessons we have learned from the pandemic, one resounding cry we hear from people is that they only want to be part of what speaks to the truth of their values. People ache to be part of something that is bigger...
Oct 3, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Justine Froelker Our children and youth have an unprecedented amount of stress in their day-to-day lives. Our culture has made it more difficult for them to find places of calm and peace, adding new layers of high expectations, distractions, and sometimes crushing...
Sep 30, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Ruth Haley Barton Some days, for me, start at 11:43 pm the night before with one kid falling out of bed and needing a back rub to help them settle back in, continue at 2:13 am with the dog wanting to warn us about the car headlights three blocks over, and really get...
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