Sep 28, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Irene Kraegel There is a handful of questions that I get time and again. It’s almost predictable at this point- very rarely does a week go by without one of them being asked. Towards the top of the list is, “What kids devotional do you recommend?” Almost two decades...
Sep 22, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Glenys Nellist I have mentioned that I am the mother of seven children and that my home is filled with books. We literally have floor to ceiling bookshelves in every room, on our staircase landing, in our basement, and even in our klivingchen (combination...
Sep 14, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Glenys Nellist It’s a rare day that I find a devotional that works for my whole family. Two parents, three teens, a tween, two elementary school aged kids, and a toddler equal a wide range of interests and attention spans. For the seasons of Advent and Lent, we enjoy...
Sep 11, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Jill J. Duffield Whenever I begin introducing a new topic to a group of learners, I spend a significant amount of time activating everyone’s background knowledge. What experiences have we had with it? What do we wonder? What would life be without it? All sorts of...
Sep 8, 2022 | Book Review Blog
Cheryl Minor Like many of you, I am in a special place with my work; processing the lessons I’ve learned through the pandemic, altering what faith formation looks like based upon those lessons, tinkering with favorite methods, and testing out new ways of going forth...
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