‘Twas the Season of Lent- A Giveaway!

EDIT! The Giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Hallie Spence! I have mentioned before how much my children enjoy Glenys Nellist’s books and it’s time to get one of these fabulous titles into your hands. This giveaway is sponsored by the publisher, ZonderKidz,...

‘Twas the Season of Lent

I was listening to a sermon today where the pastor talked about getting star words on Epiphany. She had started this as a prayer practice and was a bit startled when her star word turned out to be LEADERSHIP. She found that, as the year went on, holding this word in...

Fresh Outlook: Spring ’24 Pack

Most of the time, I use print curriculum as a springboard to help me plan alternate ways of getting at a lesson. I have ways that I like to supplement. I have trusted resources I bring in. I will drop everything if the lesson is bombing and run in a completely...

Learning Together: Do Justice

I am a curriculum snob. For me, curriculum is a tool, something I use to help me learn what the group I’m working with already knows and how to help them use that to understand the new concept we’re working with. Good curriculum is flexible for settings and people....