Nov 2, 2023 | Book Review Blog
One of the best pieces of parenting advice I ever received was to ‘fill the kid’s well’. It was shorthand for paying attention, interacting with, and spending time with children so they did not feel that they needed to fill their emptiness with things that are...
Oct 17, 2023 | Book Review Blog
It’s no secret that I love books. I love old books, new books, even e-books. I have floor to ceiling bookcases in every room in my house, save for the kitchen, which can only fit a small half shelf to cradle my most beloved cookbooks. No one is surprised that I...
Oct 17, 2023 | Book Review Blog
I’ve been a fan of the original edition of All Creation Waits for a few years now. In fact, I like it so much that I used it as part of the parent/caregiver book club for our Advent Holy Moments this year. Imagine my excitement when I found out that the...
Oct 16, 2023 | Book Review Blog
Anyone who has spent time with young children in the days leading up to Christmas knows the energy that they bring to the season. The wonder with all the lights, the charge as the decorations trim the tree, the excitement while decorating cookies- there’s nothing...
Oct 14, 2023 | Book Review Blog
There is a handful of book series that my children adore; The Chronicles of Narnia, The Penderwicks, Harry Potter, and anything by Robert McCloskey and Virginia Lee Burton. They have created many impromptu plays around the stories, recreated the worlds from the...
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