This blog offers reviews of resources by Elizabeth Christie and others of PRC. You can also sign up to receive emails of Elizabeth's monthly review of faith formation resources, Just One More Page, and other information about PRC's resources and programs by emailing For more information contact Elizabeth at



You’ll Always Have a Friend; What To Do When The Lonelies Come

By Elizabeth Christie | July 13, 2024 |

In my family, ‘a book’ is usually the answer to most questions. Where can I find information about Botswana? A book. I need something to do because I’m bored. Get a book. I don’t know…

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Living God’s Dream; Dismantling Racism for Children

By Elizabeth Christie | July 12, 2024 |

Faith formation with children is a sacred calling. We meet children where they are, help them learn the basics of our faith, equip them to go more deeply into who we are called to be,…

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My Guncle and Me

By Elizabeth Christie | June 19, 2024 |

“Wait. THAT’S what this was about? I did NOT get that,” were the words out of my 21 year old daughter’s mouth when she and I were discussing my feelings about My Guncle and Me…

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God, Gospel, and Gender

By Elizabeth Christie | June 18, 2024 |

Finding resources to use with teens is challenging. Finding resources that are theologically sound is tricky. Finding resources to use with leaders who don’t teach full time is a tall order. Finding resources that are…

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Hear Our Prayer; Prayers of the People for the Revised Common Lectionary

By Elizabeth Christie | June 15, 2024 |

I am probably not the intended audience of Hear Our Prayer; Prayers of the People for the Revised Common Lectionary by Jon White and Lisa Graves. I’m not someone who leads corporate worship. I’m not…

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Prayers for Every Season

By Elizabeth Christie | May 12, 2024 |

I think everyone knows my deep affection for and constant use of Common Prayer for Children and Families. (TL;DR version: I found it when cleaning out my new office last summer. It’s from 2019 and…

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My Tender Heart Prayer Book

By Elizabeth Christie | May 11, 2024 |

I find it ironic that adults will often comment that they don’t know how to pray when just about every young child I know will pray with the most beautiful authenticity. I am always honored…

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When I Go To Church, I Belong

By Elizabeth Christie | May 10, 2024 |

My big sister has Down Syndrome. My early years were immersed in the world of her therapies and classes through early intervention, which was a brand-new thing in the late 70s. I never knew that…

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The Bedtime Family Devotional

By Elizabeth Christie | April 14, 2024 |

For the past twenty years, you will find me on a couch, in a kid’s bed, or even in a tent in my backyard reading with children before bedtime. We’ve cycled through so many wonderful…

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Raising Kids Beyond The Binary

By Elizabeth Christie | April 13, 2024 |

I have hit that part of human development where stretching is a necessity for me to be able to maintain my posture, balance, and ability to keep up with my children. When I began this…

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Learning Humility

By Elizabeth Christie | April 9, 2024 |

Maybe it’s because I’m solidly in middle age, maybe it’s because I’m sandwiched between caretaking for my own young children and my aging relatives, maybe it’s because I see my oldest children launching into their…

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Song of the Seasons

By Elizabeth Christie | March 20, 2024 |

Have you ever noticed how packaging can change the appeal of an item? Wrap it in sparkly paper, adorn it with a fun ribbon, and hand it to someone. I’m fairly certain they’re going to…

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The Beauty of Motherhood

By Elizabeth Christie | March 15, 2024 |

My day started at 11:56 pm on the day before when my 3 year old woke from a bad dream related to a lion. It began again at 3:13 am when the door to the…

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Little Prayers for Ordinary Days

By Elizabeth Christie | March 11, 2024 |

When I think back on my early years of life, what I remember most are the everyday rhythms. How our lunchtime sandwiches were sliced on the diagonal, what the plastic feet of our footie pajamas…

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Walking The Church Year

By Elizabeth Christie | March 10, 2024 |

I am known for changing around the furniture placement in my home or in my classrooms with regularity. I like how a small tweak causes my brain to rewire and refresh how we use the…

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Learning to Disagree

By Elizabeth Christie | February 11, 2024 |

The longer I continue in life, the more I see that there are so many different responses to disagreements. Some people like to engage and reason, some like to yell and shut down, some like…

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Learning Together: Created to Care

By Elizabeth Christie | February 10, 2024 |

I have learned that, despite all the research I do before choosing or writing curriculum, scheduling sessions, and creating materials to help carry faith formation into the home, if it isn’t presented properly, it’s not…

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Season of Beauty; A Lent and Easter Treasure of Readings, Poems, and Prayers

By Elizabeth Christie | February 4, 2024 |

If you’ve ever been in a classroom, a meeting, or even around a dinner table with me, you will know that I’m a big fan of sitting in a different seat each time we come…

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Journey With Jesus: An Easter Story

By Elizabeth Christie | January 30, 2024 |

Holy Week can be a tricky time to be in ministry with children and families. Worship services are usually at times that are challenging for young children. The content is graphic. The actions are, at…

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Women Who Followed Jesus; Forty Devotions on the Journey to Easter

By Elizabeth Christie | January 13, 2024 |

By the time you get to my age, you’ve had the benefit of years to experience many different types of devotionals. So many of them are written from the point of view of the author,…

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‘Twas the Season of Lent- A Giveaway!

By Elizabeth Christie | January 9, 2024 |

EDIT! The Giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Hallie Spence! I have mentioned before how much my children enjoy Glenys Nellist’s books and it’s time to get one of these fabulous titles into your hands. This…

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‘Twas the Season of Lent

By Elizabeth Christie | January 7, 2024 |

I was listening to a sermon today where the pastor talked about getting star words on Epiphany. She had started this as a prayer practice and was a bit startled when her star word turned…

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Fresh Outlook: Spring ’24 Pack

By Elizabeth Christie | December 29, 2023 |

Most of the time, I use print curriculum as a springboard to help me plan alternate ways of getting at a lesson. I have ways that I like to supplement. I have trusted resources I…

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Learning Together: Do Justice

By Elizabeth Christie | December 28, 2023 |

I am a curriculum snob. For me, curriculum is a tool, something I use to help me learn what the group I’m working with already knows and how to help them use that to understand…

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By Elizabeth Christie | November 21, 2023 |

Congratulations to Jennifer Pierce! Check your email! James the WonderCollie sends his best fuzzy cuddles to everyone and thanks you for entering so he could snuffle through your names and get an extra treat today.

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Read and Rhyme: A Giveaway! ‘Twas The Season of Advent: A Giveaway!

By Elizabeth Christie | November 15, 2023 |

**Our winner is Jennifer Pierce! Congratulations! Check your email!** I have mentioned before how much my children enjoy Glenys Nellist’s books and it’s time to get one of these fabulous titles into your hands. This giveaway…

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My Love, God Is Everywhere

By Elizabeth Christie | November 14, 2023 |

As a child, I had a fear of a tree in our backyard. It was gnarled and had a hollow in it that looked like gremlins would pour out of in the dark. The fear…

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Three Wise Women

By Elizabeth Christie | November 13, 2023 |

I am a bit of an Advent snob. If something purports to be an Advent resource, it has to have the flexibility to stretch through the entirety of Advent. If it always starts on December…

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