Visio Divina Guide is our resource that helps you creatively connect the the generations with God’s Word. It is part of our Connections resources, designed specifically to help congregations connect their worship, faith formation, and families for today’s dynamic church settings. This month follows the New Testament stream.
August 4: John 6:24-35
August 11: John 6: 35; 41-51
August 18: John 6: 51-58
August 25: John 6: 56-69
Visio Divina Guide gives you the plans you need to create an interactive way for people to connect with God's Word. These are flexible and meant to be used how YOU need them! Visio Divina Guide has:
postcard and slide formats of our visio divina cards that include live links to the Scripture from the RCL, wondering questions, a photograph, and a prayer.
plans on how to use these in worship, in faith formation, and asynchronously
plans for each week of the month
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