Stewardship and Finance
Church Lighting 101 - Evaluate and Update your Lighting to Reduce Cost
In an era of declining membership and ever increasing electric bills, taking a look at your church buildings lighting can save you some valuable money. For most churches, there are som major opportunities to improve lighting AND reduce costs.
About the Webinar
In an era of declining membership and ever increasing electric bills, taking a look at your church buildings lighting can save you some valuable money. For the average customer, lighting typically comprises 20 to 30% of the bill. However, in churches it can be as high as 50%. So there are some major opportunities to make improvements and reduce cost. Much of it is as simple as changing a light bulb. Where it is not, there are often state or utility programs that can help you do it also.
In the first class, Steve will discuss the different types of lighting you may have, how to identify inefficient lights, and some basic fixes you can make.
About the Presenter
Steve Jones has been relamping churches for over 20 years, and has a background in electrical engineering, safety, and lighting. Steve is a practical hands-on engineer and enjoys making changes to improve lighting quality while reducing cost. He will be discussing how to identify inefficient lighting and how you can make changes yourself, or with a little bit of help, to reduce your costs and make your spaces more welcoming.
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West Islip
Mt. Sinai
233 N. County Rd., Mt. Sinai, NY 11766
(631) 821-2255
W-Th, 10am to 3pm
Sat by app’t only