Church Tech
Church Websites 101
Your church website is an important tool for providing information to those looking to visit as well as regular church goers. This webinar is for those who need to create a website from scratch or whose website needs an update.
About the Webinar
Your church website is an important tool for providing information to those looking to visit as well as regular church goers. This webinar is for those who need to create a website from scratch or whose website needs an update. We’ll talk about website styles, what goes on a page, the navigation bar, and more. They’ll be a comparison of various web providers such as WordPress, as well as template-based providers such as Wix, Weebly, and SquareSpace.
About the Presenter

Eric Seiberling is part of a husband-wife duo working to help the church embody “1 > 99” at He leverages his 20+ years of marketing and consulting experience to help churches “baptize” and use secular techniques to be more effective at reaching the lost, the least and the last for Jesus Christ.
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Mt. Sinai
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