Caring Ministries
Clergy and Laity Wellbeing and Flourishing
Clergy and Laity, how are you doing with the stewardship of your own wellbeing? What does a flourishing life as a clergyperson or lay leader look like for you? Together we will explore both the challenges to flourishing in ministry and also some practical strategies for enhancing our own wellbeing.
About the Webinar
Clergy and Laity, how are you doing with the stewardship of your own wellbeing? What does a flourishing life as a clergyperson or lay leader look like for you? Together we will explore both the challenges to flourishing in ministry and also some practical strategies for enhancing our own wellbeing.
Resources from this webinar:
Mental Health Resources Handout
Sarah Lund Clergy and Laity Wellness and Flourishing Powerpoint
Flourishing Report from Duke
About the Presenter

Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund, (MSW, D.Min.) is the Minister for Disabilities and Mental Health Justice on the national staff of the United Church of Christ. She is the author of the acclaimed “Blessed are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness, Family and Church” (Chalice Press, 2014) and serves as the Senior Pastor of First Congregational UCC of Indianapolis, IN. She blogs at
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