Church Growth
Does your church’s culture impede creativity and change?
Talk of ministry innovation is all around us and commonly sold as a “quick fix” that relies on shiny, new ideas. But too often, attempts to innovate leave leaders feeling burned out, exhausted, overwhelmed, and frenetic.
About the Webinar
Innovation is not simply a problem-solving process or survival strategy. It can be a generative source of joy, growth, and transformation for faith communities when approached from the ground up. In this workshop, you’ll be introduced to the role your faith community’s organizational culture plays in fostering or hindering innovation. You’ll learn a new language and tangible process for exploring the impacts of your ministry setting’s organizational culture and how to discern appropriate next steps so innovation becomes increasingly possible. You’ll also receive a resource to begin exploring where your faith community’s culture currently scores according to the nine indicators of innovative potential.
Resources from this webinar: Cultural Assets for Innovation Handout
About the Presenter

Meghan Hatcher is the director of the Innovation Laboratory, an initiative of the Center for Youth Ministry Training. She holds a Bachelor of Journalism and Master of Science in Sustainable Development & Applied Sociology from the University of Missouri, and a Master of Divinity with a specialization in community engagement from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. The thread that runs throughout Meghan’s academic and professional experiences is the power of story to knit communities together around a collective vision. She is a graduate of The Life Stories Institute in Washington, D.C., and has a tremendous passion for guiding individuals to reflect on their personal stories and the timeless stories of faith. Meghan has served rural, urban, and suburban congregational settings across four denominations in the areas of pastoral leadership, innovative ministry development, youth ministry, new church development, and community engagement. Meghan makes her home in Austin with her spouse Corey.
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