Social Justice

Healing Fractured Communities

Are you experiencing fractures in your community? Fractures like racism, education inequality and poverty, to name a few, plague those inside and outside of the church. Given our fractured landscape and the diversity of contexts where congregations exist, “How can congregational leaders be both healers and agitators at the same time?”

About the Webinar

The danger of simply being a healer ignores the underlying causes of the fracture(s) in a community. The danger of simply being an agitator is others ignore you because your voice is monotone. Being a leader who lives in this tension inside a faith community and the public square requires nimbleness. A nimbleness that allows for being an ointment and an irritant when needed. This webinar will equip you to do ministry in a manner that not only impacts the church, but can transform the community.

Resources from this webinar: Healing Fractured Communities for PRC for sharing

About the Presenter

The Rev. Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz is Assistant Director of the Lewis Center, co-editor of Leading Ideas, and teaches in the Doctor of Ministry program at Wesley Theological Seminary. She is an ordained elder in the New York Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. Jessica participated in the Lewis Fellows program, the Lewis Center’s leadership development program for young clergy.

The Rev. Dr. F. Douglas Powe Jr. is an ordained elder in the Baltimore/Washington Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. Powe is committed to helping urban congregations and congregations in transitional areas to flourish through community partnering. His research interests are church revitalization, urban theology, and Methodist theology.

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