Small Church

How Part-Time Ministry is Different – and What’s Fair to Expect

Part-time ministry is a fast-growing niche as more than 40% of mainline churches now have no full-time clergy. But expectations inherited from full-time pastorates can hamper success in part-time settings.

About the Webinar

In this webinar, we’ll debunk common misunderstandings and myths about part-time ministry. We’ll explore more realistic expectations for pastors, laypeople and church organizations. We’ll set the stage for an enhanced vitality that doesn’t require going back to full-time pastorates.

About the Presenter

The Rev. G. Jeffrey MacDonald is a journalist, part-time UCC pastor and church consultant. While serving in a 10-hour a week pastorate, he urgently needed to learn: what works? How do congregations empower laity to do impactful ministry after switching from full- to part-time clergy? With a grant from The BTS Center, he researched 20 mainline Protestant congregations that went part-time and subsequently increased vitality in multiple areas. He shares their inspiring stories in his 2020 book, Part-Time is Plenty: Thriving without Full-Time Clergy (Westminster John Knox Press). Drawing on research, he offers online workshops and other consulting services for mainline churches eager to boost vitality while lowering expenses. His journalism focuses on what’s working to strengthen mainline church life. His stories have appeared in Duke University’s Faith & Leadership magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, The Living Church and The Christian Century among other outlets. Learn more at:

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