Stewardship and Finance

Increasing Joy, Increasing Generosity in Your Congregation

What?! Generosity should increase joy? And joy should increase generosity? You bet. In this one-hour webinar, you will receive practical tips on ways that you can easily (with a little effort) help your congregation and individuals in your church feel good about their generosity.

About the Webinar

What?! Generosity should increase joy? And joy should increase generosity? You bet. In this one-hour webinar, you will receive practical tips on ways that you can easily (with a little effort) help your congregation and individuals in your church feel good about their generosity. And who knows? They may be so inspired that they’ll joyfully give more.Making Generosity a Joy Worksheet

About the Presenter

Cesie Delve Scheuermann has been doing fundraising and development work for non-profits and congregations for over 20 years. She has helped them raise more than $3 million. She is a senior ministry strategist with Horizons Stewardship. With more than 1,000 subscribers, she writes the weekly (and practical) blog, “Inspiring Generosity.” She is the former Annual Conference Lay Leader and has held just about every leadership position in her local church. She is a frequent speaker…especially during “stewardship season.”

Contact Us So We Can Help You Today!

West Islip

109 Udall Road, West Islip, NY 11795

(613) 486-4350

M-Th, 9am to 4pm

Mt. Sinai

233 N. County Rd., Mt. Sinai, NY 11766

(631) 821-2255

W-Th, 10am to 3pm
Sat by app’t only