Intergenerational Ministry
Intergenerational Worship 101
Are you interested in connecting the wonder of a child with the wisdom of an elder? Worship is a wonderful space to engage and enliven the whole church – young and old, silent and speaking, calm and wiggly.
About the Webinar
Are you interested in connecting the wonder of a child with the wisdom of an elder? Worship is a wonderful space to engage and enliven the whole church – young and old, silent and speaking, calm and wiggly. Join us as we explore possible frameworks and practices for worship within a community of all ages and stages.
Resources from this webinar: Intergenerational Worship 101 Quick Links
About the Presenter

Karen Ware Jackson is a dynamic pastor, speaker, consultant, and writer leading worship accessible for all ages at First Presbyterian Church in Greenville, NC. In her over 15 years of ordained ministry within the PC(USA), she has also served as small church pastor and a youth pastor. Currently, Karen works as the webinar and judicatory coordinator for PRC in addition to her pastoral roles. As the mother of two kiddos who worship front and center, she knows firsthand the joys and challenges of parenting a child through an entire service while leading an inter-generational congregation. She is the co-editor of When Kids Ask Hard Questions Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. She blogs about parenting, pastoring, and engaging all ages in worship at www
This webinar was originally broadcast on October 18, 2016.
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