Church Admin Resources

Finance & Stewardship

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Ah-ha Moments and Stewardship Tables for Children
These activities on the Discipleship Ministries page of the UMC teach children to be good stewards. 

Bible Bucks
This fun way to teach stewardship to children comes from Discipleship Ministries  of the UMC. 

Children’s Books on Giving, Sharing, and Generosity
Disciple Ministries provides this list of books.  

There are ideas here for several children’s sermons on stewardship. 

The site has two lessons on stewardship: The Spiritual Discipline of Stewardship and God’s Call to Give (Matthew 25:14-30) Stewardship for Kids 

Stewardship Crafts
The Disciples of Christ website has ideas for crafts to teach stewardship and being generous  to others. 

Stewardship Manual
The Presbyterian Foundation has ideas and activities related to stewardship with children on pages 29-39 of this online manual. 

Stewardship With Children
The Center for Faith and Giving has a list of resources including videos, articles, a calendar, games, and activities. 

Teaching Children about Stewardship
This article from Ministry Matters looks at teaching children about stewardship in Sunday school. It includes classroom activities.


ELCA Resources

The ELCA has many resources to help congregations develop best practices in their financial dealings. These resources include:
*Congregation Audit Guide
*Financial and Accounting Guide
*Financial Best Practices for Congregations
*Handling Financial Matters in the Congregation
*Internal Control Best Practice 

ELCA Stewardship
This web page includes numerous links and resources.



Horizons Stewardship
They offer services in stewardship and capital campaigns, as well as planned giving. You can register at no cost for giving365 which gives access to  stewardship and other resources. . 

United Church of Canada Stewardship Toolkit
The website of the Philanthropy Unit of the United Church of Canada has numerous links to resources. (There is no apparent link to this from the main UC Canada website.) 

Narrative Budgets

Building a Narrative Budget 
This post from the Center for Faith and Giving includes a video. 

Creating a Congregation Narrative Budget
The site has a step-by-step process to turn your line-item budget into a document that tells the story of your mission and your money. It is available in both English and Spanish. 

How to Create a Narrative Budget
This step-by-step article comes from the Living Lutheran website. 

Narrative Budget Template
The Presbyterian Foundation offers a Word document formatted so that you can cut and paste your own information. Click here for accompanying PDF instructions 

Sample Narrative Budgets

You can find samples of Narrative Budgets from the following churches: 

    Online Giving

    How to Get a Nonprofit Set Up with PayPal to Accept Donations
    PayPal’s help center offers instructions for setting up your 501(c)(3) nonprofit to accept online donations. 

    Online Giving
    This online giving overview by Charlaine Apsel of PRC is for for those getting started and covers setting up bill pay with your bank, credit card platforms, and other options for online giving with fees. 

    Presbyterian Foundation

    Online Giving Program
    Your church can easily accept secure online donations through the Foundation’s online giving system. 

    Stewardship Resource Center
    Here you will find assistance in moving your congregation’s stewardship program forward. 

    Wills & Legacy Giving
    Leave gifts to benefit Presbyterian congregations, ministries and causes.


    UCC Resources 

    Stewardship Resource Directory
    This page offers 30 stewardship resources and tips covering important topics like planned giving, stewardship-focused sermons, grants and much more.

    UMC Resources

    Stewardship on Discipleship Ministries
    You’ll find articles on various stewardship topics here.

    Stewardship on ResourceUMC
    This page has articles related to stewardship for United Methodists. 

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