Generational Resources
adult ministry
Discover essential tools and resources to enhance your adult ministry programs and foster spiritual growth within your congregation.
Recorded Webinars
Explore our webinars designed for ministry leaders working with adults. Get inspired and equipped for your journey!
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Additional resources
Adult Studies
This website offers online courses for those in ministry and certificate programs. It comes from the United Methodist Church although many courses are for those of any denomination.
These online lectionary-based studies can be done either online or face-to-face.
Bible Study Tools
American Bible Society
They offer resources, study guides, and more on Books of the Bible and People of the Bible. There are resources and articles about the Bible, as well as church resources such as eBulletins, devotionals and more.
Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is a free tool for reading and researching scripture online in the language or translation of your choice; it provides advanced searching capabilities and includes some Bible commentaries.
Bible Oremus
This site offers the New Revised Standard Version (American and Anglicized versions) of the Bible and several versions of the Psalms.
Bible Hub
You will find here a Bible atlas, parallel Bible, concordance, dictionary, encyclopedia, commentary, devotions, Christian books, and a mobile app.
Blue Letter Bible
This website includes a Bible search and study tools.
Enter the Bible
Luther Seminary faculty offer this site which includes summaries, outlines, background and video.
Study Light
This site has 144 Bible Commentaries.
You Version
YouVersion allows users to take the Bible on the go with multiple mobile applications, languages and translations.
Bible Trivia
Christians Unite
This site has trivia questions on many Bible topics.
Fun Trivia
You’ll find interesting Bible questions, facts, and information here.
Useful Trivia
This is a multiple choice Bible trivia quiz.
Book Clubs for Churches
Bethany House’s website has information on discussion-friendly inspirational books. It includes tools to select books for groups, discussion guides, food and entertainment suggestions, and information about authors.
Tyndale’s Book Club Hub offers discussion guides on some of its books
See the latest best sellers on for your book clubs.
The Goodreads site has a list of books appropriate for church book club groups.
You’ll find guides here for many books published by Harper One, including contemporary as well as classic authors.
This online community for reading groups features resources for book clubs, discussion questions, a newsletter, contests & promotions, help for librarians, and a blog. This is not a strictly Christian website.
Christian Education Resources from the PC(USA)
This Toolkit focuses on faith practices including prayer, storytelling, service, retreat, and hospitality, in order to cultivate a renewed interest in formative rituals within your faith community.
Christian Humor
This is an online source for Christian jokes.
The Clean Christian Jokes page has hundreds of jokes and Christian humor.
You can search for illustrations based on scripture and type of illustration: there is one called “humor.”
Curricula for Adults with Disabilities
This 52-lesson curriculum is designed for youth and adults with developmental disabilities, and uses Visual Bible’s Matthew videos or DVDs. Activites integrate prayer, worship, and service to others.
This book provides a curriculum for teaching adults and older youth with disabilities about the church and offers advice on how to set up church classes geared to the requirements of adults with special needs and how to integrate them into the church community.
This free downloadable faith development and confirmation curriculum for teens and adults with intellectual developmental disabilities comes from the Disability Ministries Committee of the United Methodist Church.
This church education curriculum is for people with mental impairments from Christian Reform Church Publications.
PRC currated this list of daily devotional resources.
These free daily online devotions with music are also available by e-mail.
This website includes videos, walking a virtual labyrinth, and uplifting e-cards to send. You can also light a virtual candle or listen to bells and chants for different times of the day and night.
The Presbyterian Church of Canada manages these online daily devotionals. A free e-mail subscription is available and the devotions can also be listened to as a podcast or with music.
Daily devotions from the United Church in Christ based on the ecumenical “Daily Readings” are available for free by e-mail.
Downloadable Bible Studies
Lutheran Bible Studies
Daily Discipleship and Daily Faith Practices are two free online downloadable Bible studies based on the lectionary.
The Thoughtful Christian
On this site you can purchase downloadable studies on Bible and Theology, Popular Culture (current books, movies, music), Contemporary Issues, Spirituality, and Christian Living.
Games for Adults
This site offers games and activities to get people excited about the Bible.
These Christian games help break the ice and make learning more about faith, church, and friends fun and entertaining.
These Bible games teach unity and help participants appreciate one another’s individual gifts.
Movie Discussion Guides and Reviews
These visual movie reviews offer explorations into deeper, more profound meanings behind film, music and pop culture.
Online/Zoom Study Tips
Go beyond the basic Zoom meeting and use breakout rooms to help make your big bible study group (or church-wide study) feel more intimate and connected.
While Zoom is fabulous for helping us gather in a virtual room, the process of leading a study can present new challenges for the leaders. Here are some ideas to make things go smoothly.
Here are 10 ways to improve your Zoom-based Bible studies.
Find the right option for your church including video, audio, asynchronous, or digitally interactive curriculum options to help your groups grow in faith together.
ProBoards is the largest host of free forums on the Internet.
PRC Pinterest Boards
Religion Facts
This site claims to offer “objective and reliable” information about a variety of world religions and belief systems.
Women's Groups
This blog for women’s group leaders offers devotional and Christian writing ideas, party/event themes, and more.
This interfaith outreach ministry combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. Unlike many other groups that make quilts for charitable causes, their purpose is to promote prayer through the use of quilts.
The WELCA site has a blog, news, resources for meetings, retreats, and more.
Upcoming Events
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