Generational Resources
Intergenerational Ministries
Explore resources for intergenerational and family ministry. Find webinars, curriculum, and helpful links. Start building community today!
Recorded Webinars
Are you a church leader seeking to foster meaningful connections across generations? Our library of recorded webinars offers valuable insights and practical guidance on intergenerational ministry
Online source for great Christian jokes.
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Families and Churches
The International Anglican Family Network
IAFN is a forum for the exchange of information about the challenges facing families in different countries and cultures.
Messy Church UK
Messy Church USA
This is a way of being church for families and people of all ages, involving fun while being Christ-centered. Messy Adventures consists of twelve units of material to take Messy Church outdoors.
United Church of Christ Faith Formation for Families and Children
This website offers ideas for intergenerational retreats as well as other resources.
United Methodist Church Intergenerational & Family Ministries
This page offers articles, resources, and program suggestions.
Intergenerational Ministry
28 Off-Screen Ministry Ideas for Fall
There are many good and effective ways to form faith in digital spaces, but many folks are looking for off-screen ideas for faith formation.
Building Faith
There are numerous articles here about many aspects of intergenerational ministry, including Building Faith’s Top Picks for Intergenerational Curriculum.
Faith Storytelling Toolkit
Faith Formation Ministries of the Christian Reformed Church offers this free online resource with collected practical, doable strategies for sharing faith stories together.
GenOn Ministries offers information about intergenerational ministry, as well as training, resources, and planning tools.
Intergenerational Church Toolkit
The Intergenerational Tool Kit comes from the Christian Reformed Church and has links to videos, foundational books, webinars, articles, assessment tools, practical ideas, and websites.
Learning Programs and Activities Designed for Intergenerational and Family Faith Formation
These intergenerational learning programs from Lifelong Faith on a variety of faith themes are free for church use.
Lifelong Faith
These projects, workshops, and resources were developed by John Roberto and LifelongFaith Associates. There are articles on principles and practice, programming tools, case studies and interviews, suggested books to read, and research articles.
Mister Rogers Intergenerational Curriculum
The PCUSA Store offers a free download of a four-session intergenerational curriculum based on Mister Rogers.
Spirit & Truth Publishing
They offer intergenerational curriculum products using the Narrative Lectionary and the Revised Common Lectionary, as well as a confirmation experience which brings together confirmands, families, and other congregational members.
Still Waters website
This blog by Theresa Cho offers free resources for intergenerational worship.
Vibrant Faith
The website for this organization includes blogs, information about coaching and training, as well as resources to purchase.
Worship: Intergenerational
This page of the website of the Christian Reformed Church has numerous links to sites with information about including all ages in worship.
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