Generational Resources
Young Adult Ministries
Find helpful resources and webinars designed for young adults in church settings.
Recorded Webinars
Access these on-demand webinars at your convenience and discover new ways to create a vibrant and supportive young adult ministry.
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Additional resources
About Young Adult Ministry
Build and Sustain Young Adult Ministry
This section of the Unitarian Universalist Association website offers articles about young adult ministry as well as a list of related books.
Doing Church and Doing Justice: A Portrait of Millennials at Middle Church
This 2011 report on Millennials in their community was published by Middle Collegiate Church in New York City, a multigenerational multiracial congregation. It looks at millennials’ attitudes towards Christianity, what they are looking for in a church, and other faith-related topics.
How Can the Design Process Help Churches Think Creatively and Attract Young People?
This article by Mihee Kim-Kort on the Faith & Leadership website looks at how to come up with new ways to become provocative and compelling spaces for young people to encounter God.
National Study of Youth & Religion
This site contains the results of a research project from the University of Notre Dame conducted “to enhance our understanding of the religious lives of American youth from adolescence into young adulthood…” Included are links to reports and articles developed by the research team.
We Need Young Adult Ministry Now
This article from the Fuller Youth Institute lists important realities that young adults experience and faith communities need to know.
Young Adult Research Studies: Reports & Books
The Faith Formation Learning Exchange has a page with links to research studies about Young Adults.
Denominational Websites
The Episcopal Church
This site contains information about Young Adult and Campus Ministries, including a map showing places where these ministries take place.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)
The website includes links to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, along with other connections for young adults.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Their Young Adult page has links to information including service opportunities.
United Church of Christ (UCC)
This site contains information about service and other opportunities for Young Adults.
United Methodist Church (UMC)
Their Young People’s Ministries page has information about youth and young adult programs and opportunities.
Resources for Ministry
The Barefoot Way: A Faith Guide for Youth, Young Adults, and the People Who Walk with Them
This resource invites older youth and college students to participate for twenty-one days in the journeys and experiences of youth who have encountered God and told their story. It can be used by individuals or small groups.
This ELCA website offers free weekly Bible studies on current events and the lectionary for youth and young adults.
Harry Potter and the Sacred Texts
In these podcasts, a central theme from the books is explored each week. The hosts engage in traditional forms of sacred reading to unearth the hidden gifts within even the most mundane sentences.
Hollywood Jesus
This website has visual movie reviews and looks at pop culture from a spiritual point of view.
Lesson Plans that Work
The Episcopal Church offers free lessons on racial justice and climate justice for young adults.
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