Missions Resources

Social Justice

Discover how your church can take action on social justice. Access webinars and vital resources on racism, gun violence, and more. Start making change now!

Recorded Webinars

If you’re looking for practical guidance and tools to help your church address issues of social justice and create a more equitable world, these on-demand webinars cover a variety of topics including understanding social justice issues, taking action for social change, engaging with your community, and building a just and inclusive church.

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Additional resources

Advocacy and Organizing

Holy Discontentment BookletThis document serves as a blueprint for Presbyterians who wish to engage more deeply with civic life and move their community deeper into advocacy and organizing for just public policy. 


Building Faith 
This website, a ministry of the Virginia Theological Seminary, has a list of bullying links and resources. 

A Sampling of Resources on Bullying 
This list of bullying resources comes from the Massachusetts Conference of the UCC. 

What Church Members Can Do About Bullying 
The UMC website provides suggestions to prevent bullying. 

Gun Violence Prevention

Faith vs. Fear Bible Study 
This free downloadable 5-session study from the United Church of Christ is a faith response to gun violence. 

God, Not Guns, Sabbath Worship Guide 
The God Not Guns project is an interfaith partnership to educate the public about gun violence by promoting community awareness and grassroots mobilization. 

Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit 
This downloadable resource from the PCUSA provides educational resources, online links, recommended reading and documentaries, guidance for small group conversations, pastoral and worship resources and suggestions for action and advocacy. 

Kingdom Dreams, Violent Realities 
The United Methodist Church offers this free, three session, downloadable study with reflections on gun violence from Micah 4:1-4, along with discussion questions. 


A Day in the Life
Through exploration of a typical day, young people are exposed to the lives of others around the world. This packet from PCUSA may be used as a 4-part series of learning units or adapted to a weekend retreat setting.  

Bread for the World
This organization’s mission is to educate and equip people to advocate for policies and programs that can help end hunger. They offerstools for faith leaders. 

Crop Hunger Walk
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world. This website offers resources for organizing a walk. 

ELCA World Hunger
The Lutheran Church ELCA has Advent and Lent studies on world hunger, as well as VBS programs and other resources on the topic. 

Eliminating the Causes of Hunger
The Presbyterian Hunger Program has collected this list of ideas for congregations who are interested in serving in ways that help eliminate the causes of hunger. 

The Fast That I Choose
The Society of St. Andrew offers this six-session study on hunger as a free download. 

Food Relief Activities
This downloadable PDF document from The Presbyterian Hunger Program suggests food relief activities for your congregation, conference, youth, or mission trip to help meet needs in your community and globally. 

This free, downloadable Hunger-Focused Bible Study in 10 Lessons for Young People and Adults comes from the Society of St. Andrew. You can also download Mission Photos to accompany Old Testament Lessons and Mission Photos to accompany New Testament Lessons. 

Is There Enough
This 5-session curriculum for children deals with the issue of hunger, with Biblical themes addressing our responsibility to share. There are lesson plans for preschool, kindergarten – second grade, and upper elementary ages. 

Just Eating: Practicing Our Faith at the Table
This seven-session curriculum for small groups calls on people to integrate the commitments and practices of their faith into the way they eat. There is also a Just Eating Middle School Curriculum available in English and Spanish, as well as adaptations for African American audiences and Latino audiences. 

Presbyterian Hunger Program Bible Study
This one-session Bible study will give participants the opportunity to reflect on the biblical call to work as partners with people who have been made poor in order to address hunger and its causes. 

Study Guides for Food and Hunger
These six guides from Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University integrate Bible study, prayer, and worship to help us explore Christian attitudes about food and responses to world hunger. 

World Renew
This website has resources for churches to raise awareness and funds in the fight against world hunger, including worship materials, videos, kids’ activities, and more.

Immigration, Refugees, and Sanctuary


Immigration Issues
Resources are available here from the PCUSA on a number of issues related to immigration. 

You’ll find information here about the UCC’s stance on immigration, how congregations can take a stand on immigration, the sanctuary movement, and more.  

Immigrant Focused Curriculum 

As the Citizen Among Us: Loving the Immigrant as Ourselves
This seven-session downloadable study from Christians for Social Action is designed to help churches understand and interact with the difficult issue of immigration. 

Becoming the Church Together
This six-session free, downloadable curriculum comes from the North Carolina Council of Churches. 

Five Study Guides for Immigration
These study guides from Baylor University integrate Bible study, prayer, and worship to help participants negotiate the boundaries of citizenship and faithful discipleship as they care for immigrants. 

Sanctuary Church 

Sanctuary Church for Immigrants:
This article from the Insurance Board looks at insurance and risk management implications associated with the sanctuary movement in churches.  

Mission Projects

Church World Service – School Kits 
School kits give children in impoverished schools, refugee camps, or other difficult settings some of the basic tools for learning. A shopping list and links where to buy bags are included. 

Jerry Can Curriculum 
This curriculum from Presbyterian Gifts highlights the need for clean water to survive. It’s available in both 1- and 5-sessions and includes lessons on disaster response and activities that show how children can be involved with prayer and generosity to make a difference in the lives of people in need. 

PRC Pinterest Board

Social Justice Books for Children 

Preaching Justice 

How to Preach A Justice Sermon 
These insights from Long Island Jobs with Justice Faith Leaders’ Focus Groups include tips on Justice Preaching; interfaith resources for preaching about justice are included. 

Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry Resources 
This list of resources for prison ministry was compiled by Marilyn Schneider, the presenter of our recorded webinar “Intro to Prison Ministry.” 

What to Do if a Friend Has Been Arrested 
The O’Mara Law Group offers helpful information if a friend or loved is arrested, such as their rights, your rights, and what you can do to help them, especially if they struggle with an illness, disability or mental health issue. 

Social Justice for Children

Children’s Community School 
This website has resources for talking with children about social justice issues, such as race, gender, and class. 

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