Missions Resources

Spanish Resources

Explore our Spanish language resources designed for churches.

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Ameican Bible Society 
They have a large selection of Bibles in Spanish. 

Jesus Storybook Bible 
This book by Sally Lloyd-Jones is available in a bilingual (English/Spanish) version. 

Episcopal Church

Church Publishing 
They offer books and other church resources in Spanish. 

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Augsburg Fortress 
They offer books, certificates, and other resources in Spanish. 

Baptized, We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life 
Bautizados Vivimos, the Spanish translation of Dan Erlander’s book, is available here as a free PDF download. 

Bilingual ELW Service of Holy Communion 
This version of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship service of Holy Communion has Spanish and English in a parallel presentation. 

This website, which has now archived its content, was a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers. There are numerous resources available in Spanish. 

Manna and Mercy: A Brief History of God’s Unfolding Promise to Mend the Entire Universe 
You can download a free PDF of the Spanish translation of this book by Dan Erlander on this website. 

Women of the ELCA 
This website offers some of its resources in Spanish, including one-hour and multi-session programs as well as Bible studies for women’s groups and adult study. 

General Ministry

Centering Grief Resources 
They offer Spanish language resources for those grieving for a loved one or pet. 

Creative Communications for the Parish 
You can purchase prayer cards in Spanish on this website. 

Luthern Reformation 
This website of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod offers resources in Spanish about the Reformation. 

Presbyterian Church (USA)

PC(USA) Store
The PC (USA) store offers books and other church resources in Spanish. 


The Upper Room 
Devotionals and other resources related to spirituality are available in Spanish on this website. 

Sunday School Curriculum 

Calvary Curriculum 
This site offers free lessons for 1st through 6th grade in English and Spanish. 

Godly Play 
Four volumes of the curriculum in Spanish are sold on this website. 

Kids Sunday School Place 
They offer Sunday school lessons in Spanish for purchase. 

This site offers children’s sermons, group activities, and activity and colorings sheets for each Sunday following the RCL in English and Spanish. 

United Church of Christ 

Recovering Hope
Two booklets for those dealing with disasters and other traumatic events are available here in Spanish. 

Worship Ways
Worship Way are original liturgies written in English and in Spanish by United Church of Christ pastors, based on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. 

United Methodist Church

UMC Discipleship Ministries
The Hispanic/Latino page of this website offers resources for work in Latino congregations, communities, and neighborhoods. 

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