It’s hard to watch someone we love going through a tough time. We can offer to listen, pray, and try to help in other ways. Sometimes we might want to share a book which we think would be helpful.
Both All Shall Be Well: A Spiritual Journal for Hope & Encouragement and Love Never Fails: A Journal to Be Inspired by the Power of Love by Hilda St. Clair would make great gifts for those going through a difficult time in their lives (or for someone just looking for inspiration in their spiritual life.) They are much more interactive than most journals and can ignite creativity in those who may find it difficult to center their thoughts. Each journal has 60 inspiring quotes beautifully illustrated along with a simple writing prompt. The owner of one of these journals might choose to focus on one quote daily. I can imagine them copying the quote and carrying it with them to look at throughout the day. I could also see using the quotes and writing prompts in a study or women’s group as a beginning devotional, or as a spiritual exercise during a retreat.
In times of stress, it can be difficult to think clearly, but Words of Healing: A Coloring Book to Comfort and Inspire invites the reader to focus on one word as they color an abstract picture with the first letter of the word in the center. There is also a scripture verse for each word. As the brief introduction to the book puts it, people can “speak in color” which is sometimes a relief for those who struggle to put their present situation into sentences.
All three books are available from Paraclete Press, which provided copies for this review.