Small Church

Two More Small-Church Worship Strengths: Co-Creator Gifts & Widening the Word

Discover how small congregations can leverage unique local gifts and diverse worship practices to deepen community worship in this comprehensive webinar.

About the Webinar

Small congregations don’t have the same limitations as big ones. Explore these two distinctive, deeply-forming strengths. Learn how to diagnose your local gifts and curate lavish worship with them.

In this webinar, you’ll learn to deepen worship with and for your community.

1) Co-creator Gifts: Worship is not limited to sitting, standing, and singing. Imagine new ways to include local interests and talents as actual worship gifts.

2) Widening the Word: Sermons are one way to proclaim the good news. But our tradition has so many others that can be celebrated in small settings.

Registration includes a guide and planning form for each of these strengths. With examples for an upcoming liturgical season.

About the Presenter

Teresa J. Stewart is an author, speaker, and teacher whose passion is small congregations. For fifteen years, she has served, studied, and developed creative resources that fit these congregations. The foundation for her work is simple: small settings are not miniaturized big ones. They work differently. And they have deeply-forming strengths for worship and ministry that are generally unavailable in big settings. She’s the creative behind and the author of a newly-released book, The Small Church Advantage: Seven Powerful Worship Practices that Work Best in Small Settings.

Contact Us So We Can Help You Today!

West Islip

109 Udall Road, West Islip, NY 11795

(631) 486-4350

M-Th, 9am to 4pm

Mt. Sinai

233 N. County Rd., Mt. Sinai, NY 11766

(631) 821-2255

W-Th, 10am to 3pm
Sat by app’t only