Book reviews

100 Devotions for Kids Dealing With Anxiety

100 Devotions for Kids Dealing With Anxiety

Justine Froelker Our children and youth have an unprecedented amount of stress in their day-to-day lives. Our culture has made it more difficult for them to find places of calm and peace, adding new layers of high expectations, distractions, and sometimes crushing...

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Invitation to Retreat

Invitation to Retreat

Ruth Haley Barton Some days, for me, start at 11:43 pm the night before with one kid falling out of bed and needing a back rub to help them settle back in, continue at 2:13 am with the dog wanting to warn us about the car headlights three blocks over, and really get...

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Godly Play In Middle and Late Childhood

Godly Play In Middle and Late Childhood

Cheryl Minor Like many of you, I am in a special place with my work; processing the lessons I’ve learned through the pandemic, altering what faith formation looks like based upon those lessons, tinkering with favorite methods, and testing out new ways of going forth...

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Graceful Nurture: Using Godly Play With Adults

Graceful Nurture: Using Godly Play With Adults

Rebecca L. McClain I have been working in children’s ministries for over two decades and have definite favorites when it comes to pedagogy and faith formation. Godly Play has elements that I have loved and used, and when the title Graceful Nurture; Using Godly Play...

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