Youth Ministry

Creative Retreats for Adults and Teens

Plan your next retreat with an engaging theme, creative ideas, icebreakers, discussion questions and craft suggestions.

About the Webinar

Plan your next retreat with an engaging theme, creative ideas, icebreakers, discussion questions and craft suggestions. Retreats – from 2 hours to 2 days and longer – can encourage participants to nourish their weary spirits.
Resoureces from this webinar:
Hand out. Question of the day
Hand out. Worship materials

About the Presenter

Rev. Dr. Susan J. Foster is a pastor, retreat leader, writer, teacher, and volunteer chaplain. An ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, Sue has led retreats in rural and city churches, a windjammer schooner, a remote wooded cabin, beautiful retreat centers, private homes, and church fellowship halls. In this loud and often stressful world, Sue encourages us to listen to Jesus’ invitation to “come away to a quiet place” so that we can once again hear God’s renewing message of love, peace, and hope.
This webinar was originally broadcast on January 22, 2019.

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West Islip

109 Udall Road, West Islip, NY 11795

(613) 486-4350

M-Th, 9am to 4pm

Mt. Sinai

233 N. County Rd., Mt. Sinai, NY 11766

(631) 821-2255

W-Th, 10am to 3pm
Sat by app’t only