Adult Ministries
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About the Webinar
The presenter will identify some of the challenges in getting volunteers to use their talents in your faith community. An overview of an effective system model will be presented. Ways to help people identify their gifts, collecting and using the data, and the importance of position descriptions for each ministry will be explained. Ms. Urban will outline an annual recruitment plan and suggest ways to involve the entire congregation in a celebration of ministries.
About the Presenter
Judy Urban is an experienced practitioner in building systems that invite, support, train, and show appreciation to congregation members in using their talents and strengths in the volunteer ministries of the faith community. She created a system composed of over 2600 volunteer positions in a large suburban church in the Midwest. Judy has over 15 years working as an independent consultant to congregations across the United States in building personalized systems of ministry support, utilizing best practices of volunteer management. She has mentored new directors of Shared Ministry. Judy has given workshops, seminars, and presentations to many synods and dioceses, as well as at the International Stewardship Conference, Minnesota Association of Volunteer Administrations conferences, and several regional Nurses Associations. Ms Urban has published a book entitled New Life Through Shared Ministry, Moving from Volunteering to Mission.
Contact Us So We Can Help You Today!
West Islip
Mt. Sinai
233 N. County Rd., Mt. Sinai, NY 11766
(631) 821-2255
W-Th, 10am to 3pm
Sat by app’t only