Social Justice

Intro to Prison Ministry: Everyone Can Do Something!

Prison ministry can frequently be perceived as something to be avoided, or as something that “someone else” does, yet everyone can participate in this much needed and wide-ranging field of ministry.

About the Webinar

Prison ministry can frequently be perceived as something to be avoided, or as something that “someone else” does, yet everyone can participate in this much needed and wide-ranging field of ministry. This webinar will describe WHY it is so important that we become involved, the many different forms of WHAT prison ministry is, and practical advice on HOW each of us can participate, in some way, to help transform the lives of those impacted by the criminal justice system.

About the Presenter

Rev. Marilyn Schneider had a first career as a chemist teaching in colleges and then as a research chemist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Called to prison ministry, after retirement she completed seminary and pursued ordination as a deacon in The United Methodist Church. Her primary appointment now is Coordinator of Prison Ministry and Restorative Justice for the Eastern PA Conference of The United Methodist Church and she serves in her secondary appointment at Grove United Methodist Church in West Chester, PA.

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(631) 821-2255

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