Caring Ministries
Older Adults and Caregivers Ministry and Outreach
Intentional ministry with and for older adults and caregivers is vital for healthy congregations. In this webinar, you’ll learn meaningful activities that can benefit the congregation as a whole as well as older adults and caregivers. You’ll also explore ideas for outreach to other older adults and caregivers in your community.
About the Webinar
Intentional ministry with and for older adults and caregivers is vital for healthy congregations. In this webinar, you’ll learn meaningful activities that can benefit the congregation as a whole as well as older adults and caregivers. You’ll also explore ideas for outreach to other older adults and caregivers in your community.
Resources from this webinar:
OAM caregiver survey
About the Presenter
Pat Baker is the Director of Older Adults and Caregivers Ministry for St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Tucker, GA. She has over 45 years of experience working in the field of aging including government, older adult ministry, and working with family caregivers. She is one of the founding members of the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network, and is currently serving as president.
Related Resources
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