Stewardship and Finance
The Generosity Project: A Cross+Gen Approach to Stewardship
Discover how Stewardship can be fun and involve all generations!
About the Webinar
Discover how Stewardship can be fun and involve all generations! The Generosity Project is based on these beliefs: (1) All generations are to be equipped as stewards of God’s abundant grace. (2) Generosity is essential to the daily expression of one’s faith and best formed and practiced in households, with the support of the congregation. (3) When values and finances are discussed between people of all ages, trust is built and faith nurtured. (4) The understanding of stewardship needs to be expanded. (5) As Christians, our lives, our identity and daily decisions as consumers are shaped by God’s Story in Jesus. Resources will be shared for creating your own Generosity Project.
About the Presenter
Linda Staats’s deep roots in the Lutheran church and her broad experience with families through all life’s stages fuels her passion for nurturing faith and disciples in every generation. With a Master’s degree in Human Development and the Family, Linda brings a lifespan approach to ministry. She is known for her knowledge of resources and for her ability to combine research, theology and people’s own holy stories to engage and empower all generations for serving at home and in the world. Her life’s work is expressed through her ministry, HomeGrown Faith. She brings a cross+generational, household focus to her position on numerous boards and her contract work with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) as workshop leader, coach, writer and facilitator.
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