Missions Resources

Caring Ministries

This page offers links and articles to equip congregations in providing compassionate support, outreach programs, and pastoral care to their members and communities.

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Additional resources

Autism Spectrum 

Autism and Children’s Ministry 
This article discusses ways to help children with autism have a positive experience in Sunday School classes and in worship with their families. 

The Autism Faith Network 
This organization seeks to spread autism awareness, acceptance, and inclusion in local and faith-based communities all over the world. They offer free webinars and toolkits. 

Blue Blessings 
Autism Speaks offers a free online guidebook to help faith communities embrace people with autism and those who love them – through small changes that can make a big difference. 

Few Churches are Autism-Friendly 
This article discusses a new study which has found children with autism are almost twice as likely to never attend church or other religious services. It also addresses ways to welcome those with autism. 

The Power of an Autism Diagnosis 
This article from Living Lutheran provides tips to make church more accessible; it is told from the point of view of a person with autism. 

Cancer Care Ministry

Cancer Companions 
This organization provides one on one meetings/Christian support groups for cancer patients, survivors, and their loved ones so they can draw closer to Christ on their cancer journey. 

Church Health 
This website offers support for Christian ministries of healing, as well as an archive of issues of the discontinued Church Health magazine.   

Our Journey of Hope 
This website provides pastors and ministry leaders with the tools, training and support to raise up cancer care ministries in their churches and communities. 

End of Life 

Creating Your Life File: A Checklist for End-of-Life Planning 
This website will help you create a Life File, a central place to keep “how and what” documents that ensure your wishes are honored at the end of your life and your loved ones have the information they need to take care of your affairs when you die. 

Faithfully Facing Dying: A Lenten Study Guide on Critical Issues and Decisions for the Members of the United Church of Christ. 
This six week study is offered as a resource  to assist churches, associations and conferences, as they study the range of choices which surround their understanding of death and dying. 

A Grace Filled Exit Preparing for End of Life 
This website has YouTube videos and a Support & Resource Guide To “help people plan for future decisions before they are needed, to avoid surprises and disappointments, encourage some study of terms and responsibilities, learn how to avoid suffering and die well, and begin to get their affairs in order.” 

Mental Health 

How to Help Your Teen Struggling With Mental Health Issues 
The Recovery Village in Columbus, Ohio, offers information about teen mental illness, ways for parents and others to help, and a list of hotlines for advice about teen mental health issues.  

Parish Nursing 

Community Nurse/Health Ministry Resources
This website of the United Church of Christ has links to various resources, including a free download of a Manual on Faith Community Nursing. 

Emory University Interfaith Health Program
This website promotes vital learning at the intersecting boundaries where faith and health overlap and emerge transformed. 

Evangelical Lutheran Parish Nurse Association
This organization connected with the Lutheran Church (ELCA) has information about parish nursing, tools to assist those in that ministry, and updates on their progress and activities. 

Health Ministries Association (HMA)
This interfaith membership organization serves the people who belong to the Faith Health Ministry Movement with information about resources, continuing education, faith group links and more. 

Nurses Christian Fellowship
This is the website of the organization which publishes the “Journal of Christian Nursing”. It also has mission and education opportunities, resources and links to other sites of interest. 

Parish Nurse Resources
The Faith & Health Connection website offers links and resources helpful to parish nurses. 

Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing
This website was formerly the International Parish Nurse Resource Center. It has information about Parish Nursing and resources for purchase. 

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