I Wonder: Exploring God’s Grand Story: A Book Review

By Elizabeth Christie When I call out to my family to grab a Bible, they always respond with a half sarcastic/half serious, “WHICH ONE?!” Suffice it to say, we have several shelves full of Bibles of various translations. This should be expected in the home of a librarian and a person who works in children’s…

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Just Begin: A Sourcebook of Spiritual Practices

It’s the nature of most believers to seek a means of communing with their Creator. However, there are so many choices, where does one begin? Just Begin: A Sourcebook of Spiritual Practices, Dann E. Wigner’s collection of 40 different spiritual practices from both Eastern and Western traditions, is a good place to start. In this…

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Contemplative Knitting

Let’s be honest — I love to knit; I also love to quilt, papercraft, read books, and cook. I have a husband, children, and grandchildren, so that is 13 handmade gifts that I should make every year. All this fills my days and sometimes it overfills them. Sometimes I get so busy doing “things” that…

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A Little Blue Bottle

A Little Blue Bottle, published by Church Publishing, Inc., is a children’s picture book on the topics of loss, grief, death, and faith. The sensitive words of Jennifer Grant and vivid illustrations of Gillian Whiting pair together to tell the story of a child who is expressing her feelings of loss when an elderly neighbor…

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Making Room for Everyone

The subtitle for the book Making Room for Everyone is “More Stories for Building a Children’s Chapel.” It follows author Bill Gordh’s book, Building a Children’s Chapel: One Story at a Time, and both books include information on creating a children’s chapel, storytelling tips, and song suggestions which support the story themes. Whereas the first…

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The pandemic has been traumatic for many of us, including our children. As we look for ways to help children cope with their anxiety and loss of structure, there has been a surge of interest in spirituality and mindful practices. A recently released book from Church Publishing, Silence by Jerome W. Berryman, is a wonderful…

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We Shall Be Changed

In March 2020, as the country shut down due to the pandemic, church leaders were asking questions. How could they continue to worship without meeting in person? Could sacraments like Holy Communion and Baptism be celebrated virtually? Would the business of the church be able to continue without face-to-face meetings?  Would they survive financially without…

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On Earth as It Is in Heaven

On Earth as It Is in Heaven by Eric Atcheson, published by Church Publishing, equips clergy and laypeople with a faith-based toolkit for economic justice and offers a resource to examine the economic disparities in our communities. The title is a familiar phrase to those who recite the Lord’s Prayer as preached by Jesus in…

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We Gather at This Table

“For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way also…

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