About Us
We are here to walk the journey every day with your congregation. Work with our team to find practical, cost effective solutions for your church and its ministries. No question is too large or too small.
We offer practical solutions to real world challenges.
We connect with your church the way you want.
We cover a broad spectrum of topics from church growth to individual faith formation.
We walk alongside your community for the long haul.
Our Story
We’ve Been Helping Faith Communities Since 1985 to Adapt, Grow, and Thrive.
PRC is a nonprofit, 501 (c) 3, non-denominational, education-based service organization providing consultants, educational webinars, workshops and resources. Our goal is to provide faith communities time-effective; cost efficient; and results-oriented programs and services to help them flourish in their ministry.
Our Mission
Practical Church Resources offer solutions that are practical, for your church and congregation, offered by our most valuable resource: our consultants.
Years Of Experience
Webinar Sessions Held
Consultations per Year
Churches Helped
Meet our team
Our consultants are at the core of what we do.
Our team of consultants have expertise in various areas of church work – from finance and accounting to technology to women’s book studies to Sunday School. They will work with any church member in whatever way is most convenient: telephone or online through email or our online meeting software, Zoom, or in person. You can even text us a request and we can get a meeting set up.

Charlaine Apsel
Charlaine Apsel has been the Executive Director of PRC for 25 year. She is also currently the Treasurer of the New York Conference of the UCC and the Presbytery of Long Island. She is Secretary of the Metropolitan Association of the NYUCC, and in her church on the Stewardship Committee and a member of the choir.
Charlaine can help you with:
- Finances
- QuickBooks
- Governance – Constitution & Bylaws.
- Technology
- Liturgy

Elizabeth Christie
Elizabeth Christie has worked in the field of children’s and family ministries for 25 years. She
can help you with:
● Curriculum
● Child protection policies
● Successful adaptations and accommodations for those with disabilities
● Making worship accessible for all ages and stages
● Connecting with parents and caregivers
● Teacher training
● Information about Holy Moments and Connections
Email me

Debbie Kolacki
Debbie Kolacki is the Senior Consultant and Online Resource Center Administrator for PRC.
She is a Certified Christian Educator and Certified Lay Servant in the United Methodist Church.
She has taught children, youth, and adults and served in many areas in her local church.
Debbie loves doing research and working with people in all areas of ministry. She can help you
● Adult Studies
● Retreat Planning
● Spiritual Journaling
● Sunday School Curriculum
● Women’s Groups

Karen Smith
After a 22-year career as a preschool teacher, Karen Smith joined the PRC in 2013 as a
resource consultant. Active in both her church and the community, she has taught Sunday
School, led a Tween Youth Group, was a Girl Scout leader, volunteered as a camp counselor at
Camp Quinipet, was a member of the Altar Guild, and served on her church’s council as
secretary. She can help you:
● Plan and brainstorm to put together your own workshop or retreat.
● By leading workshops or mini-retreats for women’s groups or confirmation classes on
many spiritual practices (i.e. Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, Visio Divina, Walking the
Labyrinth, etc.) as well as card ministry and prayer beads.
● Delivering and picking up resources and banners borrowed by local PRC members.
● Start a Book Club and keep it going – in person or virtually.
● Help you find an Adult Study suited to your church’s needs.

Rev. Karen Ware Jackson
Karen Ware Jackson started as the webinar coordinator for PRC in January 2020 – a strange
and wondrous time for an organization specializing in online events for churches! She is a
writer, wife, and mother of two precocious middle schoolers in addition to being the Pastor of
First Presbyterian Church of Greenville, NC – PC(USA). She can help you with:
● Judicatories
● Webinars and Online Events
● Small Church Worship
● Intergenerational Worship Space (Prayground)
● Preaching – Interactive scripture reading and training lay preachers

Cathy Applewhite
Cathy received her Master of Divinity at Candler School of Theology and a Master of Christian Education at Union Presbyterian Seminary. She worked as a Presbyterian (USA) Church Educator in Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. She was a Chaplain Resident at Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, PA. These clinical skills led her to a career as a mental health professional working with children and adults with developmental and mental disabilities. When she moved to Long Island, she worked as a consultant at the PRC Commack office. She volunteered as a Chaplain at Mather Hospital, Gurwin Nursing Home, and as a Spiritual Care Companion at Maryhaven. Her most recent role is as a Pastor’s wife, coordinating recreation for VBS, teaching worship readiness for Sunday School children, and planning a Pet Blessing event.
We are here to help. Email one of our Consultants to make an appointment today!
Can't Find a Time? Drop A Note, Call, or Stop By!
West Islip
Mt. Sinai
233 N. County Rd., Mt. Sinai, NY 11766
(631) 821-2255
W-Th, 10am to 3pm
Sat by app’t only